MAking the Bubble Solution
To make the bubble solution, simply dissolve your Bubbleventi powder in water then mix in the dish soap in the ratios listed on the bottle or below:

Pro tips:
Use a clean bucket or container to make the solution. Dirt, debris and contamination from a dirty bucket can lead to bubbles popping sooner and to your solution not lasting as long.
When you add the powder to the water, DON'T dump it all at once into the water, instead SPRINKLE it on the water surface while stirring the water. That way as soon as the powder particles touch the surface they will dissolve and you will avoid any clumping.
Some people like to add the dish soap to the water first then add the BubbleVenti powder last. Don't. Once you add the dish soap to the water, suds and foam will form when stirring. Big bubbles don't like suds and foam. It makes them heavier and drags them down as they reach for the skies.
STORING the Bubble Solution
Pro tips:
While you can make the solution in the same bucket or container that you will use to make giant bubbles, it is best to store some of the solution in a sealed container for longer-term storage like an empty clean milk jug. Once you use the solution from the bucket to make bubbles, the solution can get contaminated.
Once you start using the solution, it will last a couple of days. Soil, dirt, debris, grass clippings and insects can contaminate the solution. Since we use no artificial preservatives in our mix, these contaminants can break down the active bubble-growing ingredients.
When you make the solution pour what you need in a Tupperware or bucket and leave the rest in a sealed container for storage and later use. This can last up to two weeks or longer.
Pro tips:
Kites like windy and gusty days. Big Bubbles don't. Windy or gusty days make it extremely difficult to make giant bubbles. Strong winds can break the soap film in your wand before a bubble can form or if you mange to form a giant bubble, the strong wind can break it up into smaller ones.
As a rule of thumb, avoid wind speeds of over 10 mph.
We like either a very slight breeze, such as less than 5 mph, or no breeze at all. If you have no breeze, you can create one by moving the wand through the air with your arms, or even better by walking.
Aside from wind, the two big factors in making giant bubbles are humidity, air quality and temperature. Once formed giant bubbles evaporate more quickly in low humidity and in hot temperatures. Believe it or not foggy conditions or a slight drizzle are great for making giant bubbles.
Poor air quality can also pose a danger to giant bubbles. Pollen, smog and even flying insects can pop giant bubbles. Many BubbleVenti enthusiasts like bubbling after a rainstorm, when rain drops have cleaned the air and leave lots of humidity.
To make a giant bubbles using a tri-string wand (the ones with two sticks and a triangle-shape rope/string), such as the E-know wands, follow these steps:
(1) Dip the wand in the solution without stirring, just straight up and down.
(2) Lift the wand up high.
(3) Open the wand to let a light breeze form a bubble or if there is no breeze, walk backwards to create one.
(4) Once you get a bubble you like, close the wand to let the bubble fly off.
(5) Repeat until the soap film on the wand pops.
(6) Repeat steps 1-5.
Pro tips:
When you dip the wand into the solution in step one, don’t stir the solution or you will create suds and might get the wand string tangled up.
If your friends are popping your bubbles while they are still on the wand, they will break the soap film and you will have to dip the wand again in the solution. You can ask them to step back or to not pop the bubbles until they are floating out of the wand.
You don't have to dip the wand in the solution after every bubble, only once the soap film breaks. The girl in the video makes five giant bubbles from a single dip.